Compassionate Community, Spirited Searching, Courageous Actions.


We will be a place of transformation. We will transform our community through intentional inclusion, becoming stronger in our diversity. We will transform our world into a kind, humane and just place through our work outside these walls. We will ourselves be transformed by the work we do, the love we show to each other, and the spiritual challenges we set for ourselves.

Love is the Spirit of this Church


Love is the spirit of this church,
and service its gift.
This is our great covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.

Our Covenants

In the spirit of affirming the dignity and human worth of all persons, and in our individual searches for truth and meaning, as congregants of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church, we make the following commitments to one another in the spirit of love:

We work to build community.

We treat one another in a friendly, open, and welcoming manner.
We participate in the life of the community, and give generously of ourselves and our resources.
We actively listen to each other.
We care for one another.
We inspire others to participate in the life of the church and acknowledge their contributions.

We work toward open and respectful communication.

We assume the best of others and treat them with courtesy, honesty, and good faith.
We speak for ourselves alone.
We discuss issues out in the open and avoid gossip.
We nurture person-to-person and group-to-group relationships.
We give and seek constructive feedback in our relationships with one another.

We accept responsibility to work constructively to maintain right relationships.

We treat others with dignity and sensitivity even when in disagreement.
We stay in the conversation, even when conflicts arise.
We attempt to understand the perspective of the other even while in disagreement with that viewpoint.
We seek common ground rather than dwell on differences and challenge ourselves to forgive past wrongs.
We commit to working within those processes that have been developed to resolve conflict and keep our congregation healthy.

Church Governance, Polices, Procedures, and ByLaws

5th Principle: The Right of Conscience and the Use of the Democratic Process Within Our Congregations and in Society at Large

Unitarian Universalist congregations together affirm and promote seven Principles. We also share a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from many sources. The seven Principles and six Sources of the Unitarian Universalist Association grew out of the grassroots of our communities, were affirmed democratically, and are part of who we are.

We give and seek constructive feedback in our relationships with one another.

We accept responsibility to work constructively to maintain right relationships.

We treat others with dignity and sensitivity even when in disagreement.
We stay in the conversation, even when conflicts arise.
We attempt to understand the perspective of the other even while in disagreement with that viewpoint.
We seek common ground rather than dwell on differences and challenge ourselves to forgive past wrongs.
We commit to working within those processes that have been developed to resolve conflict and keep our congregation healthy.
