Welcome to Northwoods!

We value Spirited Searching!
We are glad you found us.

Each of us at one time or another finds ourselves looking around, seeking something that will help us make more sense, bring more meaning and more connection in our lives. Whatever is propelling you to seek out a liberal faith community at this moment in your life, we welcome you in that seeking.

“Such a friendly, welcoming community of beautiful souls. I keep going back to recharge, and have not been let down once. Always a great message of love, acceptance and equality.”

Join us on Sunday on Zoom or in person at 10:30 a.m. Stay after service for coffee and conversation.

Sundays for Children

Bringing children? Northwoods has a dynamic and engaging Religious Education program.

What to expect at Sunday service:

  • You will be greeted at the door.

    A greeter will say hello at the door and you will be given an Order of Service. You will be asked to sign in. Service starts at 10:30am.

  • Attend service.

    Our services are structured much like other church services – we sing, listen to readings, have a children’s time, and hear an inspiring sermon. Children are released to religious education classes after the Time for all Ages.

  • Stay for coffee and conversation.

    We have coffee and light snacks after service every Sunday. Visitors can use a red mug (if you choose to) to signal that you are member and open to conversation from church members.

We are a Welcoming Community with open hearts. Whatever your age, gender, social background, orientation, or ethnic origin, you are welcome here.

I Want to Be With People

People seek out a church community for many reasons, including community, religious education for themselves or their families, meaningful worship time, opportunities for celebration, service and fellowship, a time of change or crisis in one’s life, or opportunities to explore life’s fundamental questions more deeply and intentionally. Each of these is a part of life at Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church.